16 Jul 2012

10 Reasons Why Drinking is Better Than Yoga

These are the top reasons why Drinking in Better than Yoga. Now everyone can do any type of yoga easily! 

10) Savasana
Easiest way of yoga, lie down and relax after heavy drink. 

9) Balasana
Simple road side yoga technique.

8) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Easier than you thought.

7) Marjayasana
Puke and then lie down on table, thats it.

6) Pigeon
La lala, relaxing position and I can see heaven.

5) Halasana
No need of years of practise for this position. Just take an extra 2 rounds.

4) Dolphin

3) Salambhasana
After drinking lie down in front of your house

2) Ananda Balasana
The new yoga style

1) Piegon
Simplest technique for yoga

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